

Italian-born Giulia has movement, dance, and Pilates in every element of her being. She teaches Pilates with passion, intuition, and grace.

More About Giulia

For the last seven years, Giulia has been teaching Pilates at studios between Imperia, Italy, and in the south of France, where she is based with her partner and two small children.

In France, she is qualified with her Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle Animateur de Loisir Sportif (CQ PALS) and is a certified member of the French Federation of Pilates Professionals, the FPMP.

Her love for Pilates gives her the sense to work with all types of bodies, creating challenges for athletic and advanced students and working with more fragile clients who have pathologies and pain.

Giulia was born in Cuneo, Italy. Her love for movement and acrobatics was evident from a young age.

When Giulia was four years old, her parents involved her in a local gymnastics class in the city. She continued to practice gymnastics at a competitive level throughout her adolescence, a discipline that was a fundamental part of her life. It was during her time in gymnastics that she learned the values of order, respect, punctuality, and performance.

These intense years were beautiful and difficult at the same time. They forged her character and made her the person she is today.

As time went on, Giulia felt the need to get away from the competitive world of sport and move to the artistic world of dance.

Between 2010 and 2013, Giulia moved to Rome to improve her skills at the D.A.F International Training Program for Dance and Performing Arts and was chosen by international choreographers Shirley Esseboom, Gael Domenguer, and others. She was also chosen by the artistic director Mauro Astolfi to become a part of the young school company, the Spellbound Junior Ensemble.

In 2016, she graduated as a Pilates teacher at the Covatech Pilates School in Milan. The school is a member of the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), an association that brings together professionals dedicated to the conservation and development of the legacy of Joseph and Clara Pilates. Giulia is also a qualified Cardiolates teacher.

Giulia shares with her students a deep-rooted passion for movement, and research of the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. She exudes beautifully the concentration, calm, and strength that she has experienced both as a dancer and as a committed teacher of Pilates.